// Copyright 2016 Tim Shannon. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. /* jshint strict: true */ Ractive.DEBUG = false; (function() { "use strict"; var r = new Ractive({ el: "body", template: "#tMain", data: function() { return { project: null, version: null, stages: null, currentStage: null, logs: null, projects: [], error: null, formatDate: formatDate, releases: {}, }; }, decorators: { menu: function(node) { new PureDropdown(node); return { teardown: function() { return; }, }; }, }, }); setPaths(); r.on({ "triggerBuild": function(event) { event.original.preventDefault(); var secret = window.prompt("Please enter the trigger secret for this project:"); triggerBuild(r.get("project.id"), secret); }, }); function triggerBuild(projectID, secret) { ajax("POST", "/trigger/" + projectID, { secret: secret }, function(result) { window.location = "/"; }, function(result) { r.set("error", err(result).message); }); } function setPaths() { var paths = window.location.pathname.split("/"); if (paths.length <= 1) { getProjects(); return; } if (!paths[1]) { getProjects(); return; } if (paths[1] == "project") { if (paths[2]) { if (paths[3]) { if (paths[4]) { getStage(paths[2], paths[3], paths[4]); } getVersion(paths[2], paths[3]); } getProject(paths[2]); } getProjects(); return; } r.set("error", "Path Not found!"); } function getProjects() { get("/log/", function(result) { for (var i = 0; i < result.data.length; i++) { setStatus(result.data[i]); hasRelease(result.data[i].id, ""); } result.data.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.name > b.name) { return 1; } if (a.name < b.name) { return -1; } return 0; }); r.set("projects", result.data); window.setTimeout(getProjects, 10000); }, function(result) { r.set("error", err(result).message); }); } function getProject(id) { get("/log/" + id, function(result) { r.set("project", result.data); if (result.data.versions) { for (var i = 0; i < result.data.versions.length; i++) { hasRelease(result.data.id, result.data.versions[i].version); } } }, function(result) { r.set("error", err(result).message); }); } function getVersion(id, version) { get("/log/" + id + "/" + version, function(result) { r.set("version", version); r.set("stages", result.data); }, function(result) { r.set("error", err(result).message); }); } function getStage(id, version, stage) { get("/log/" + id + "/" + version + "/" + stage, function(result) { r.set("logs", result.data); r.set("currentStage", stage); }, function(result) { r.set("error", err(result).message); }); } function hasRelease(id, version) { /*/release//*/ get("/release/" + id + "/" + version, function(result) { r.set("releases." + id + version, result.data); }, function(result) { r.set("releases." + id + version, undefined); }); } function setStatus(project) { //statuses if (project.stage != "waiting") { project.status = project.stage; } else if (project.lastLog.version.trim() == project.releaseVersion.trim()) { project.status = "Successfully Released"; } else { if (project.lastLog.stage == "loading") { project.status = "Load Failing"; } else if (project.lastLog.stage == "fetching") { project.status = "Fetch Failing"; } else if (project.lastLog.stage == "building") { project.status = "Build Failing"; } else if (project.lastLog.stage == "testing") { project.status = "Tests Failing"; } else if (project.lastLog.stage == "releasing") { project.status = "Release Failing"; } else { project.status = "Failing"; } } } })(); function ajax(type, url, data, success, error) { "use strict"; var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open(type, url); if (success || error) { req.onload = function() { if (req.status >= 200 && req.status < 400) { if (success && typeof success === 'function') { var result; try { result = JSON.parse(req.responseText); } catch (e) { result = ""; } success(result); } return; } //failed if (error && typeof error === 'function') { error(req); } }; req.onerror = function() { if (error && typeof error === 'function') { error(req); } }; } var sendData; if (type != "get") { req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); sendData = JSON.stringify(data); } req.send(sendData); } function get(url, success, error) { "use strict"; ajax("GET", url, null, success, error); } function err(response) { "use strict"; var error = { message: "An error occurred", }; if (typeof response === "string") { error.message = response; } else { error.message = JSON.parse(response.responseText).message; } return error; } function formatDate(strDate) { "use strict"; var date = new Date(strDate); if (!date) { return ""; } return date.toLocaleDateString() + " at " + date.toLocaleTimeString(); } function PureDropdown(dropdownParent) { "use strict"; var PREFIX = 'pure-', ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME = PREFIX + 'menu-active', ARIA_ROLE = 'role', ARIA_HIDDEN = 'aria-hidden', MENU_OPEN = 0, MENU_CLOSED = 1, MENU_PARENT_CLASS_NAME = 'pure-menu-has-children', MENU_ACTIVE_SELECTOR = '.pure-menu-active', MENU_LINK_SELECTOR = '.pure-menu-link', MENU_SELECTOR = '.pure-menu-children', DISMISS_EVENT = (window.hasOwnProperty && window.hasOwnProperty('ontouchstart')) ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown', ARROW_KEYS_ENABLED = true, ddm = this; // drop down menu this._state = MENU_CLOSED; this.show = function() { if (this._state !== MENU_OPEN) { this._dropdownParent.classList.add(ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME); this._menu.setAttribute(ARIA_HIDDEN, false); this._state = MENU_OPEN; } }; this.hide = function() { if (this._state !== MENU_CLOSED) { this._dropdownParent.classList.remove(ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME); this._menu.setAttribute(ARIA_HIDDEN, true); this._link.focus(); this._state = MENU_CLOSED; } }; this.toggle = function() { this[this._state === MENU_CLOSED ? 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