
101 lines
2.4 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Tim Shannon. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
const (
statusSuccess = "success"
statusError = "error"
statusFail = "fail"
const maxJSONSize = 1 << 20 //10MB
var errInputTooLarge = &Fail{
Message: "Input size is too large, please check your input and try again",
HTTPStatus: http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge,
// JSend is the standard format for a response from townsourced
type JSend struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Data interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
Failures []error `json:"failures,omitempty"`
More bool `json:"more,omitempty"` // more data exists for this request
//respondJsend marshalls the input into a json byte array
// and writes it to the reponse with appropriate header
func respondJsend(w http.ResponseWriter, response *JSend) {
respondJsendCode(w, response, 0)
// respondJsendCode is the same as respondJSend, but lets you specify a status code
func respondJsendCode(w http.ResponseWriter, response *JSend, statusCode int) {
w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
if len(response.Failures) > 0 && response.Message == "" {
response.Message = "One or more item has failed. Check the individual failures for details."
result, err := json.MarshalIndent(response, "", " ")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error marshalling response: %s", err)
result, _ = json.Marshal(&JSend{
Status: statusError,
Message: "An internal error occurred, and we'll look into it.",
if statusCode <= 0 {
switch response.Status {
case statusFail:
case statusError:
//default is status 200
} else {
_, err = w.Write(result)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error writing jsend response: %s", err)
func parseInput(r *http.Request, result interface{}) error {
lr := &io.LimitedReader{R: r.Body, N: maxJSONSize + 1}
buff, err := ioutil.ReadAll(lr)
if err != nil {
return err
if lr.N == 0 {
return errInputTooLarge
if len(buff) == 0 {
return nil
err = json.Unmarshal(buff, result)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil